You have a personal brand,

it’s your choice if you manage it.

Manage it strategically and it becomes your ticket to trust, recognition, and opportunities.

let’s talk

personal branding

Personal branding is often misunderstood, but it's a game-changer.

Crafting a personal brand that attracts ideal clients, draws in talented team members, and supercharges your career and business growth is simply incredible.

At Tickled Pink, we're all about YOU.

We specialise in personal branding and

amplifying individuals (not businesses)

your personal brand is your professional power play

At Tickled Pink, we empower women in business to own their brilliance, shape their reputation and make powerful connections.

We create Personal Brands that ignite potential, leaving a lasting mark of trust, recognition, opportunity and business growth.

“I would encourage everyone to work with Ticked Pink to elevate their game professionally and personally. ”

Kimberley Crossman

Hello I’m Rochelle,

Tickled Pink was born from a burning desire—to help women embrace their unique brilliance, define their legacy, and conquer the world.

In the whirlwind of digital networking, your personal brand is your proclamation:

"This is me, and we need to connect!"

Your tailored personal brand is your golden ticket, not just for making noise online but for crafting a story that captivates, earns trust, and unlocks meaningful connections.

Why settle for ordinary when you can be extraordinary? As your go-to personal brand and visibility coach, I've traversed the ever-evolving landscape of social media and influencer marketing. I've uncovered authentic stories and forged heartwarming connections.

In my 20-year marketing career and journey, I've woven a touch of magic into the art of finding one's true voice and inner rockstar. It's not just about strategy; it's about boosting your confidence to take center stage without hesitation.

Together, we'll make sure your story isn't just told; it earns the standing ovation it deserves.

Cheers, Rochelle

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“Pave your own path and dance it down with flair. That's my jam!”

Rochelle Moffitt

Founder Tickled Pink

make yourself standout

Putting yourself out there, where magic happens!

Step into the spotlight, embrace your uniqueness, and watch the world unfold before you!

Have you ever experienced the incredible power of putting yourself out there? When you gather the courage to step outside your comfort zone and share your authentic self, magic begins to happen!

Connecting with people becomes effortless when you let go of fear and embrace vulnerability. Each interaction becomes an opportunity to create something truly extraordinary. It's through these connections that ideas are sparked, dreams are nurtured, and collaborations take flight.

So, let your inner light shine brightly! Don't be afraid to share your passions, talents, and

ideas with the world. Embrace the unknown, step outside your comfort zone, and see

what unfolds. You'll be amazed by the connections you make and the magic that

emerges as a result.



Are you ready

to build your

Personal Brand?

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Social Media Management

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Talent Management

Personal Brand Strategy

corporate Workshops

online courses

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Personal Branding for your Employees

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PR, Visiblity & Awards Management

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Ghost Writing & Content Creation

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Networking & Connecting People

we make people feel

Invest in your personal brand today;

it's the currency of tomorrow's opportunities.

“From my first meeting with Rochelle, I was not only pumped to get going,

I was finally focused and saw a clear path to where I wanted to be. Rochelle gave me simple, clear and easy steps to go from stuck to killing it.

I have been charging forward and hitting targets in my personal and business life ever since and showing up as the person I always wanted to be.

It felt like I was meeting with a good friend who had all the answers specifically targeted to my paint points.

I recommend Rochelle to anyone who is looking to hone in on their personal brand and ready take action!"

Ali Ward

Corner Room Design

“It takes courage to put yourself out there, express vulnerability, and have a say.

Rochelle is a champion in this arena and has given me the strength and skills to execute and articulate my story. She's been a supportive mentor and has had a significant impact helping like-minded people connect."

Alice Rule

3Sixty2 Wines

“We've up'd our social media game.

Rochelle has also helped me overcome imposter syndrome to help give me the confidence to speak loudly and proudly about my company in a public forum.

I highly recommend working with Rochelle, you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain!"

Michal Garvey


“It’s not often we invest in ourselves but working with Rochelle will help you shine as an individual and contribute to your business success.”

“It’s not often you meet people who are truly able to make you feel your best. Rochelle is the exception. She has an incredible presence and is someone who extracts the very best out of people in an authentic and genuine way. The personal branding exercise with Rochelle has been both enlightening and powerful, ultimately giving me a platform that I truly feel connected to in my own unique way. She lays the foundation for success by digging deep into your business and who you are as a person. I left feeling not only more confident about my purpose and vision but also about how I am going to show up as my authentic self. She’ll rid you of imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and any creative content blocks when it comes to talking about your personal brand.

Not only that, but Rochelle is just an all-round great human. She’s very real, very honest, and unapologetically herself, which is a breath of fresh air in the world today. I would highly recommend working with Rochelle and would hands-down say it is absolutely worth the investment. It’s not often we invest in ourselves but working with Rochelle will help you shine as an individual and contribute to your business success.”

Lara Christie

Founder, CEO and Mama of two - PURE MAMA

“...a personal brand strategy that not only resonated with me, but my audience and also elevated my professional presence.

“I have the pleasure of working with Rochelle who is an exceptional personal brand strategist and person, who really understood, not only who I was as a human but took the time to listen to my dreams, and goals.

Rochelle's personal and authentic approach and insightful guidance really transformed what I thought about my own brand, and produced a powerful reflection of my values and aspirations.

Rochelle seamlessly integrated my love for business, people, and life and turned it into a commercial narrative, creating a cohesive and compelling personal brand.

Rochelle's attention to detail, listening with interest, and coupled with a keen understanding of market dynamics, resulted in a personal brand strategy that not only resonated with me, but my audience and also elevated my professional presence.

I really recommend Rochelle, who really delivers what she promises, for anyone seeking a personalised and beautiful approach to personal branding.”

Tracey Taylor


why visibility?

Because it Connects.

Visibility isn't just about being seen; it's about forging real connections.

We’re all about connecting people.

So, amp up the courage, become undeniably visible, and ignite those connections.

After all, if they don't know you, how can they need you?

Here’s how we can help you connect…

The Tickled Pink Club.

Your virtual PINK book of connections for NZ women in business.

Imagine a space where you can ask questions, seek advice, and connect with other Kiwi businesswomen on topics ranging from #marketing, #startups, #legal to #divorce, #beauty and everything in between.

This exclusive Slack channel is designed to empower and support you through every aspect of your life, both professional and personal. Join us to expand your network, share your expertise, and navigate the good, the great and the getting there of business and life together with a community of supportive, like-minded women.

Join the Tickled Pink Club

Tickled Pink Tips with Guest Hosts

Weekly interviews with guests who share their stories, insights and thoughts.

Tickled Pink Events

At Tickled Pink, we believe in the power of connection and the magic that happens when incredible women come together.

Our women's networking events are all about creating unique and meaningful moments.

Picture this: a room filled with inspiring women who share your vision, ambition, and drive.

It's not just a gathering; it's a community of brave souls who step out of their comfort zones to forge new connections and embark on inspiring journeys.

We're here to empower, connect, and inspire you. Join us for our next event and become a part of something extraordinary.

Our next event

Sip & Share: Tickled Pink's Kick-Arse Meetup for NZ Women in Business

Come along to 'Sip & Share', an intimate gathering where the stories of pioneering NZ businesswomen come alive. Beyond networking, this is a platform for vibrant, interactive conversations. Each event spotlights a trailblazing guest, introduced and conversed with by our host, Rochelle. But here's the twist: the floor opens to you, offering a chance to engage directly and ask questions.

Discuss business, life, and the beautifully chaotic in-between over a drink. At 'Sip & Share', it's not just about listening; it's about connection and taking away actionable insights. Be part of a community that thrives on shared wisdom.

Our next event

Digital First:

With 97% of adults between the ages 16-64 saying they logged onto at least one social network in the past month, your digital personal brand has never been more crucial.


your unique brilliance

Discover the power of a

kick-arse personal brand.

Don’t just fit in,

it’s time to stand out and SHINE.

We’re obsessed with helping you reach your full potential.

Work with us

Telephone: +64 21 704 404

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